Rhythmic gymnastics
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New in May at SGA Burien: Skill Clinics for Rhythmic Gymnastics

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Curious about the adjacent sport of Rhythmic Gymnastics? Attend one of our one-hour Skill Clinics this month! For ages 8-12, all clinics will be on Fridays (May 19, 26, June 2) from 6:30-7:30pm. Each clinic is a single-serve event with no further commitment; attend one, two, or all three!

Taught by Coach Claudia R., who has lifelong experience in Rhythmic Gymnastics, these clinics serve as an introduction to the sport – which combines gymnastics, dance and calisthenics. Performed on the floor with different apparatus (hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon), each of the three clinics will focus on a different event. No experience is required to attend; participants will benefit from rhythmic gymnastics by gaining strength, flexibility and agility, while becoming more dexterous and coordinated. Great for those who are interested in dance and creative movement. Cost is $40 per clinic.

May 19 event focus: HOOP
May 26 event focus: BALL
June 2 event focus: RIBBON

Enroll in a Rhythmic Gymnastics Skills Clinic here!

The post New in May at SGA Burien: Skill Clinics for Rhythmic Gymnastics appeared first on Seattle Gymnastics Academy.


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