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Club Aquatic Apprenticeship

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Swim Ireland are delighted to announce the launch of the Club Aquatic Apprenticeship, which has been designed for young people aged 16-25 to support their club and remain involved in aquatic sport for longer.

25 successful applicants will receive a €100 discount on a Level 1 assistant coaching qualification, and will volunteer within their own club, receiving mentoring from an experienced coach.

Swim Ireland clubs can nominate up to two club members to participate in the Club Aquatic Apprenticeship, with nominations open until 30 September 2024.

Full details below, along with link to nomination form.

Nomination Form


Club Aquatic Apprenticeship Terms and Conditions

Club Requirements

  • Applicants will be nominated by their club committee (including head coach and CCO).
  • Club will identify an experienced coach who has at least a Level 2 qualification and two years of coaching experience to mentor successful applicants.
  • The club will meet and maintain the Swim Ireland Affiliation requirements.
  • The club will match provide match funding of at least €100 per successful applicant.
  • The coach mentor will provide constructive feedback to the volunteer coach following each session.
  • The club will facilitate a minimum of 12 hours of volunteer coaching (across at least 6 weeks) and ensure that this is completed.
  • The club will complete post programme evaluation and feedback.
  • Swim Ireland will consider a maximum of two applications per club.


Applicant Requirements

  • Applicants will be aged 16-25 years on submission of application.
  • Applicants will not have commenced or completed selected qualification.
  • Successful applicants will complete a minimum of 12 hours of volunteer coaching (across at least 6 weeks) and maintain a log of each session.
  • Successful applicants will commence their chosen qualification by 30 November 2024 and will complete qualification by 31 May 2025.
  • Active Vetting and Safeguarding Level 1 credentials.
  • Active club membership.
  • Complete post programme evaluation and feedback.


Courses Offered

  • Level 1 Assistant Swimming Coach
  • Level 1 Assistant Diving Coach
  • Level 1 Assistant Water Polo Coach

No refunds will be given for any courses already commenced or completed.


Application Timeline

  • 1 July 2024 – Nominations open
  • 30 September 2024 – Nominations close
  • 11 October 2024 – Applicants will be informed of outcome
  • 30 November 2024 – Deadline for booking onto coaching course
  • 31 May 2025 – Deadline for course completion
  • 30 June 2025 – Deadline for programme evaluation


Education Booking Requirements

  • Discount is on a full course place (€399 for members before discount applied).
  • No transfers permitted.
  • Successful applicants must book course by 30 November 2024.
  • Successful applicants must complete the qualification by 31 May 2025.
  • Successful applicants and their club must complete programme evaluation by 30 June 2025.
  • Successful applicants must agree to Education Policies and Procedures.


Nomination Form


The post Club Aquatic Apprenticeship appeared first on Swim Ireland.


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