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Sports presenter falls into pool during live TV interview


Sports presenter Mike Bushell made a splash as he fell into a swimming pool during a live interview on BBC Breakfast. Bushell was preparing to chat to England swimmers Sarah Vasey, Adam Peaty, Siobhan-Marie O'Connor, Ben Proud and James Guy - who were sitting on the edge of a small pool - on Australia's Gold Coast, where the Commonwealth Games are being held. As he got into the shallow water for the interview, he said: "I'm going to be careful because I've got a sound pack on." But a second later, having failed to notice there was another step beneath his feet, Bushell slipped into the deeper water with a splash. The athletes fell into fits of giggles as Bushell righted himself, and struggled to maintain their composure as he tried to continue the interview. "All the people here are literally on the floor," he told viewers, referring to the crew off-camera. His interview was cut short, though, as his microphone and sound pack appeared to have suffered some water damage during his fall. In the BBC Breakfast studio, presenters Charlie Stayt and Louise Minchin shared their amusement with viewers. Stayt said: "Mike is carrying on talking but we can't hear him, because a moment ago...


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