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Politics changes my summer plans [Iron Mike's Marathon Swims » Iron Mike's Marathon Swims --]


Well, summer plans have changed. I’m one of sixty members of the U.S. Embassy in Russia to get the boot (persona non grata, technically) so my summer plan to swim as many Russian open water swims as possible has just evaporated in a puff of smoke. Another swim I had hoped to assist with for summer 2020 I won’t be able to help with, either. (Sorry, Sasha!) And that one’s gonna be a doozy. More on it here when it becomes official.

I will try and keep the Russian open water swims calendar running and up to date. The Russians are a lot of fun to swim with and (so far) their events are expertly run. If you’re ever in Russia for a trip (well worth it and I still advise it for lovers of history and fine arts), try and fit in one of these swims. The race directors will appreciate it and will help you as much as they can! Go to the link for the swims at the top of my blog or click here.

For now, Прощай, Москва.



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