Rhythmic gymnastics
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Excellent performance by Kuwait’s Rhythmic Gymnastics Girls team

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KUWAIT: Kuwait Rhythmic Gymnastics Girls team had an excellent performance that gave them (6) Gold, (6) Silver and (7) Bronze medals during competition with players who represent well establishment countries in the game such as Estonia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Austria, Venezuela, Egypt and host country Hungary. The team’s medals were won by Sarah Al-Bannai, Raya Al-Qassar, Nabila Al-Kharafi, Liyan Behbehani and Talia Behbehani who participated in the first level.

Sarah Al-Bannai, born in 2012, won two gold medals in the hope and ribbon and two silver in the individual and the mace, meanwhile Raya Al-Qassar, born in 2013, won two gold medals in the free performance and the mace and the silver in general individual and the bronze of the ball. Nabila Al-Kharafi, born in 2013, won two silver medals in the mace and free performance, and the bronze of the hoop while Liyan Behbehani, born in 2011, won the ribbon gold, and the ball’s silver and two bronze in Mace and general individual.

Talia Behbehani, born in 2014, won the gold of free performance and three bronze in the ball, hoop and general individual. Kuwait Gymnastics Federation congratulated the athletes for this new achievement which confirms that the level of Rhythmic Gymnastics of the girls is developing well and lauded the players perseverance and insistence to win and represent Kuwait well at this event. The federation also commended the efforts of coach Irina Kovalchuk in preparing the players to a point that made them reach this outstanding level.

The post Excellent performance by Kuwait’s Rhythmic Gymnastics Girls team appeared first on Kuwait Times.


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