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FSA DS Draft League - Group B - 2nd Post

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WzK has picked all sprinters for his team

With the exception of toxoplasmosis-infected Felline

Pablo's wants all his riders to be from the Spanish side of the peninsula Iberian

But he's almost been thwarted by other players' thinking that includes an Ecuadorian

MOUA picked the wrong Yates but got his beloved Hofstetter

While in the fourth round randomeur picked someone that still might be a bedwetter

Last year's champ wants Mas and has an angel on his side

While O'Breu picked Phillipsen in the 6th round, he couldn't let him slide

Vlady did everyone an act of mercy by finally picking Richie

With m_m doing the same by selecting Diego Ulissi

Yeehoo has the touch! Yeehoo has the Power

But picking Pozzovivo in the 6th round wasn't his finest hour

Getting aboard the Eddy Boss train, johnnysteeler will be saying choo choo all night long

And no one will tell him that stopping for a Taco in the 10th round was wrong

But the biggest winner of the draft was Holms by a mile

As he ganked Degs from Kurt and then picked his Cav with a smile

But who will finally cave and draft Carlos B

Here's a link to the spreadsheet if you want to see



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