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Using stats, eventstats & streamstats for Threat Hunting…Stat! | Splunk

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Splunk is committed to using inclusive and unbiased language. This blog post might contain terminology that we no longer use. For more information on our updated terminology and our stance on biased language, please visit our blog post. We appreciate your understanding as we work towards making our community more inclusive for everyone.If you have spent any time searching in Splunk, you have likely done at least one search using the stats command. I won’t belabor the point: stats is a crucial capability in the context of threat hunting — it would be a crime to not talk about it in this series.When focusing on data sets of interest, it's very easy to use the stats command to perform calculations on any of the returned field values to derive additional information. When I say stats, I am referring to three commands:statseventstatsstreamstatsLike many Splunk commands, all three are transformational commands, meaning they take a result set and perform functions on the data.Let’s dive into...


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