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What Water Does to Subflooring | Water Damage Restoration Clairemont Mesa

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Subflooring is an important component of any house. It keeps the first floor in place by securing the joists that span the basement or crawl space. It also forms a plane that holds up your walls and serves as a level foundation for completed floors. Considering the enormous importance of this structure, hiring reliable water damage restoration services in Clairemont Mesa should be your top priority when dealing with wet subflooring.However, you should also try to gain some insight into the potential consequences of leaving your subflooring unattended. We’ll explain the different ways water can harm your subflooring. Also, we’ll discuss whether homeowners insurance covers subfloor damage. Read on!What happens if your subfloor gets wet?Water can reach subflooring from many sources, and once it sets in, prolonged exposure can lead to extensive damage. This component can lose its strength and the ability to support adjacent elements. However, if you start treating water-damaged subfloor qu...


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