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Why Simple Design is Harder than Complex.

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There is a quote from Steve Jobs that says "Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple."At first, when you look at a simple design, you may assume it was easy to create. While it may be easy to copy due to its simplicity, the process behind it is often far more complex then we realise.This is the beauty of simple design. The hidden detail and thought, that carefully and meticulously chose the right design elements to communicate the right message, simply and elegantly. In many ways, it is about finding a way to say more by using less, and in that, it can be hard to achieve.Then there is the mental side of letting go and feeling free to design minimally. Feeling confident that while your design may seem simple, it is everything it needs to be. You are not trying to overcompensate. It is raw and exposed. Therefore more open to judgement. Which can be a challenging mindset to get into.While there is certainly a place for the decad...


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