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Give Your Head a Wobble (5 replies)

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Reading the Forum today and some of the posts, it is clear that some posters on here suffer from anxiety and negatively.

When I feel depression coming on, instead of just revelling it it I use a process plan to get me through it and out the other side. I give my head a wobble.

So if you feel your self getting anxious about performances historical or before kick off, remind yourself of where we were, where we are and very likely heading.
We have been sh*t for 10 years with few other teams in the football league registering more defeats than us.
We had owners that couldn't run the Chinese take away up the Coventry rd.
The ground was falling apart it was depressing.
NOW we are top of the league, games in hand, on target for record points total.
We have a refurbished ground, massive improved fan experience. Seling out home games!! Sponsors on board, revenue increasing year to year.
Playing better style of football, I think!
What is there not to love. Enjoy the journey. We would probably get promoted if that was our starting 11 most weeks.
All of the improvements in all areas are there to make it more likely in the future that we continue an upwards trajectory on and off the pitch, they go hand in hand.
So next time you get anxious, give your head a wobble, it generally works.
Keep Right On


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