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Roughly The Number Of Calories Must you Survive - Nutrition |

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In addition to being medically prepared, as a gift to this excellent MedCram community, I submit the following list of “Prepperisms” as inspiration to be practically prepared.“MORE YOU KNOW, LESS YOU NEED”Skills are more valuable than stuff. So seek to acquire as many practical skills & knowledge as is available. Another way to look at it is “the more you know the lighter your load”.“TWO is ONE & ONE is NONE”Because stuff gets lost, broken, stolen, so have backups to your backups of essentials like 2 knives, 2 lighters, etc“RULE of 3”You can die after 3 seconds of indecision during a fatal threat (predetermine reasonable losses) 3 minutes without air (practice freediving) 3 hours of exposure to extreme weather (practice hydrotherapy to enhance body thermo-regulation) 3 days without water (practice economy of movement & water fasting) 3 weeks without food (practice fasting) 3 months without a long term plan (because seasons change) 3 years without a partner/team (screen members now) 3 d...


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