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Should I Go to Community College First Then Transfer?

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Campus is the new alternative to online community college that provides a 100% live and online Associate of Arts in Business Administration degree program. We’re on a mission to maximize access to a world-class education, starting with our career-focused business program that equips students from across the U.S. with a solid foundation in core business principles to set them up for success no matter what their next step is.Many students choose to further their education at a community college before transferring to a traditional four-year institution, often asking themselves, "Should I go to community college first then transfer?" This pathway provides numerous benefits, including financial savings and academic preparation.According to data from NCSES, between 2008 and 2017, among 14.8 million U.S. graduates who acquired their first bachelor’s degree, 52% had earlier attended a community college, and 25% had earned an associate degree. The question of "do you have to go to community co...


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