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Mission: Trouble in Paradise

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Trouble in Paradise is a side mission.Contents1 Overview1.1 Required stations2 Conduct2.1 Build a Frame2.2 Talk to Pablo2.3 Talk to Amirah2.4 Wait for Amirah to Finish2.5 Talk to Jasmine2.6 Talk to Miguel3 Gallery4 RewardOverview[]The player must have 50 or more relationship points with Miguel. Pablo must be back in town (after Operation De-Geeglate has started).Required stations[]The following stations are recommended or required to complete the mission:⁠⁠Worktable⁠⁠Processor⁠⁠GrinderConduct[]The player enters Church of the Light to find Miguel and Matilda arguing about something.⁠⁠Minister, I beg of you to reconsider-⁠⁠I've told you Miguel, the people won't stomach another Water Tax hike. They're stretched thin as it is, I doubt half these folks could even afford it.⁠⁠Every penny, Minister. You know this.⁠⁠What I know is this: now is a time of tribulation for our people, we need not burden them any further.⁠⁠But this project will add cost...⁠⁠It inspires hope, we can afford it.⁠⁠We'r...


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