Develop Attentive and Effective Lifeguards
Risk Management The value of United Educators (UE) membership extends far beyond the insurance policy. Member institutions have access to our education-specific risk management resource library, including media, online courses, and publications. Risk Management Overview Browse All Resources Athletics Compliance Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Enterprise Risk Management Health and Well-Being Premises Safety Sexual Assault and Misconduct Student Activities and Organizations Study Abroad The Workplace Transportation Safety 2023 Top Risks Report: Insights for Higher Education Compare your institution's top risks to other UE members with the results from 2023's version of our annual survey. 2023 Top Risks Report: Insights for Independent K-12 Schools Compare your school's top risks to other UE members with the results from 2023's version of our annual survey. Crisis Response: A Library of Tabletop Exercises These exercises allow you to assess your institution's response efforts in a...