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10 Hardest College Majors in 2024

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If college is an obstacle course, you will have plenty of moments when you’re leaping from rope bridge to rope bridge like a cat and countless others when you’re flailing upside down in your harness. Every class will test you in different ways, whether it analyzes Shakespeare’s syntax or quantum mechanics. Feeling in control of the material is good; so is being challenged. The right major for you will contain a solid balance of both. However, some majors are generally regarded as more difficult than others. In this blog, we not only investigate the hardest college majors but also explore why are they considered to be more demanding. Determining the Hardest Majors in College Since ease and difficulty are always relative (just Google “Pinterest fail” for some shining examples), we selected the hardest college majors using the same criteria as we did for our list of easiest college majors. However, there are several important distinctions to note. GPA A 2010 study by Kevin Rask found that...


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