Buy before you board | Southeastern
Buying ticketsIt is no longer possible to buy the full range of tickets on board a train.Like all train companies*, you must buy a ticket before you board, or risk getting a penalty fare. Only undiscounted Anytime fares will be available from the conductor** - note that these are more expensive than purchasing before you travel.We now have more convenient ways to buy a ticket before you travel: you can buy online through the Southeastern app, you can register for our new smartcard, The Key, to get your Season Ticket you can also buy tickets to and from any station using ticket vending machines and from ticket officesIf you arrive at a station and no ticket buying options are available to you, you’ll be able to buy a ticket (including discounts) from the conductor on the train or at any point along your route. If you want to purchase a weekly season ticket you should purchase a single to your destination station where you can exchange and purchase your weekly.Click here to register for...