Compakask-Mepp Major
The subject of this article is from the Pathfinder update.The information from this article is up-to-date as of 10 August, 2017.The subject of this article is from the Pathfinder update.The information from this article is up-to-date as of 10 August, 2017.Compakask-Mepp MajorGalaxyEuclidRegionSugaikinovi FringeStarsystemKamaixingtiBiomeBarren - Parched PlanetWeatherSterileResourcesSp Au Ni HeSentinelsLow SecurityFloraSporadicFaunaModerateDiscoveredbyEzegnegchDiscoveryplatformPCGameModesurvivalUpdatedPathfinderCompakask-Mepp Major is a planet.Contents1 Summary2 Geology3 Atmosphere and Climate4 Things to Do5 Life6 Resources7 Lore8 Gallery9 NavigatorSummary[ | ]Compakask-Mepp Major is a highly dangerous, small parched planet in the star system Kamaixingti on the PC version of No Man's Sky.This is the most dangerous planet in the system due to the sheer number of predators that inhabit it. Exercise EXTREME CAUTION when exploring on foot! You'll never know when a predator will suddenly come...