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A’s vs. Giants Spring Training Game Thread

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Let’s beat these guys

The Athletics continue their spring schedule with a matchup against their former Bay Area rivals as they travel to the Giants’ spring stadium for another spring tuneup. And guess who is on the mound for the A’s?

Taking the hill for the good guys will be lefty Jeffrey Springs. He’s set to make his fourth spring appearance as he ramps up for the year. He’s generally looked good and A’s fans are excited to see what he can provide for this team. Spring!

The lineup:

San Francisco will counter with A’s killer Justin Verlander. Those of us who have been following the team for years know what the right-hander has done to us over the years so any chance to knock him down a peg is an opportunity welcomed. The Giants lineup will look like this tonight:

Time for some baseball. Let’s go A’s!


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