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Carolina Shores approves Walmart Supercenter

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It is official: a Walmart Supercenter will be built on 27 acres in the Carolina Shores extraterritorial jurisdiction off U.S. Highway 17 West, across from Emerson Bay Road and near the town’s Medical Center Parkway and the Goodwill.The Carolina Shores Board of Commissioners during its June 10 meeting voted to follow the planning board’s recommendation of site plan approval, giving the project the greenlight.Town Administrator Chad Hicks said Atwell Group, LLC, the Walmart’s project engineers, will have to submit all necessary permits before building but the company will not have to come back to the town for more plan approvals.The new store will be roughly 171,000 square-feet. Several residents, including Ruth Ann Campbell, expressed concerns the spacious store will create more traffic and congestion along U.S. Highway 17.Campbell was the only planning board member who during the Carolina Shores Planning and Zoning Board May 15 meeting voted to oppose recommending approval.“I don’t fee...


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