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ALC Theatre and Crusaders in Action Set to Perform Holy Mother of Bingo

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Alice Lloyd College’s Theatre Department is partnering with the June Buchanan School’s Crusaders in Action (CIA) for a special, fun-filled event benefiting the local community. Make plans to join in the fun on April 12th at the Campbell Arts Center. The event, Holy Mother of Bingo, promises laughs, surprises, bingo, and desserts with all proceeds going to local flood relief. The event doubles as a theatrical performance with audience involvement.

An innocent bingo fundraiser at the Our Mother of Mercy church goes awry when parishioners mysteriously drop dead! The evidence suggests well-calculated murders, but who is to blame? Tensions rise as everyone begins identifying suspects. Past feuds rear their heads as the members of the parish try to state their innocence one by one. Who could be behind the elaborate spree? The disgruntled choir director? The magician turned youth minister? The ex-convict that has recently turned to the power of prayer? It couldn’t be one of the Cookie Cadets selling their beloved cooking! Everyone’s a suspect… even the audience in the zany comedy that takes interactive theatre to a whole new level!

ALC Theatre and CIA can’t wait to see you at the Campbell Arts Center on Saturday, April 12th. Shows begin at 12 noon and at 6 pm. Admission is donation only and 100% of proceeds go to local flood relief.

The post ALC Theatre and Crusaders in Action Set to Perform Holy Mother of Bingo first appeared on Alice Lloyd College.


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