3 Ways to Prepare Hair for Relaxer - wikiHow
CategoriesPersonal Care and StyleHair CareHair TextureFrizzy HairDownload ArticleExplore this Articlemethods1Caring for Your Hair a Week Beforehand2Protecting Your Hair as It's Relaxed3Maintaining Your Hair Between TreatmentsOther SectionsTips and WarningsRelated ArticlesReferencesCo-authored byBianca Coxand Amy BobingerLast Updated: December 23, 2022ReferencesDownload ArticleIf you have curly or coily hair, a stylist can use a chemical relaxer to permanently straighten your strands. However, these chemicals can be harsh on your scalp and drying to your hair, so it's important that you start preparing your hair for relaxer at least a week in advance. In addition, care for your hair gently after it's relaxed so it will be healthy and strong when you go for a touch-up. Check out the hair relaxation prep tips below so your hair is ready to go when you head to the salon.Method 1Method 1 of 3:Caring for Your Hair a Week BeforehandDownload Article1Take out any extensions or braids. At least...