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Identification and Methods Utilized - Forensic Dentistry - Dentalcare

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Dental records are used to aid in the identification of individuals who are victims of criminal acts, murder investigations, mass fatalities or missing persons.1 The confirmation of a decedent’s identity is important for several reasons (Table 1). One of the most important is bringing closure to the immediate family members when tragic or unexpected events occur.4 Another reason is for legal settlements of estates where a death certificate is needed.4 In order for a death certificate to be issued, a confirmation of identity is needed.4 This is why dental identification assumes a primary role in the identification of remains when postmortem changes occur, traumatic tissue injury occurs or there is a lack of fingerprint records which invalidates the use of visual or fingerprinted evidence.1 Identification is crucial when the deceased is decomposed, burned, dismembered, or skeletonized.1Table 1. Reasons for Identification of Human Remains.CriminalInvestigation in criminal death cannot beg...


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