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Which is your favorite Atlanta Braves stadium?

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When the 2020 season begins, the Braves will be in their 55 season in Atlanta. They’ve had three stadiums in the five-plus decades – Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium, Turner Field and now Truist Park (formerly called SunTrust Park).Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium was originally called Atlanta Stadium and was the home of the Braves when the team moved to Atlanta from Milwaukee in 1966. The first game was actually played on April 9, 1965 between the Braves and the Detroit Tigers. The Atlanta Crackers played their final season in 1965 in the new stadium. In 1975, Fulton County was added to the name. The stadium was home to some very bad teams in the 1970s and 1980s, and we saw small crowds in the stadium on many nights and days.The Braves did have the first World Series there in 1991, and the team was at home when they won the Fall Classic in 1995.When Atlanta got the 1996 Olympics, plans were made to transform the Olympic Stadium into a new facility for the Braves. That stadium was called Tur...


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