Sorcery in the Conan Exiles 3.0 Update – Sacrifice and Power - Conan Exiles
To find enlightenment in the gasping darkness… whispers that rolled under the skin. How could mere flesh be a vessel for such power? And blood deliver it? With the right knife, he realized, reality could be sculpted. Bled. But the world was only as malleable as the mind allowed. Already they flocked to him. He would show them where to cut, to wring the darkness and drink the power. He set to work. In the 3.0 Update, Age of Sorcery, we deliver dark magic into your hands.The team is thrilled to fulfill the promise of Sword & Sorcery that lies at the savage heart of Conan the Barbarian. This has been the dream and vision since launch, and it’s incredibly exciting to have the opportunity to reach this huge milestone.In this article, we will delve into the sorcery elements of the Age of Sorcery update; what it is, how you can acquire these powers, and more.A Creeping Affair The powers you will wield in Age of Sorcery are not the fireball-flinging, magic missile spells you find in many tradi...