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The 13 Hardest College Majors to Challenge Yourself · PrepScholar

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What are the hardest college majors? You might assume it's all those complicated STEM majors—and you wouldn't necessarily be wrong.In this article, we look at the various factors normally used to determine whether a major is hard before going over the 13 most difficult majors based on how many hours students typically spend each week preparing for classes. We also give you a few tips for finding the right college major for you.What Makes a College Major Hard?Before we introduce the hardest college majors, let's clarify exactly what can make a major hard.The problem with this concept is that there's no single, objective criterion we can use. What's difficult for one student might come totally naturally to the next person.As a result, what are considered the hardest college majors can vary a lot depending on the student—specifically, on where your natural strengths and passions lie. If you're not particularly good at a subject and/or don't have any deep passion for or interest in it, tha...


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