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How to Be the Best Son-in-Law You Can Be

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Establishing a good relationship with your in-laws can be one of the key factors in maintaining a happy marriage Statistics have shown that, in marriages where the husband has a close relationship with his wife’s parents, the risk of divorce decreased by 20 percent. So, it’s a pretty good idea to make sure that you’ve got your relationship with your in-laws on lockdown. The catch is, even if you have a decent bond with your wife’s mom and dad, there’s always something you could be doing better. So, how do you step up your son-in-law game? It’s all about the little gestures and, within reason, taking their feelings into account. Here are a few ways to do just that.1. Take an Interest in Their HistoryEvery family is a tribe with their own values, traditions, and history. It pays to be interested in all of them, but especially the latter. No, you probably don’t want to ask about That One Cousin they never speak of who maybe, definitely did that thing the papers said he did. But you do wan...


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