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How Solar Benefits The Electricity Grid

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There are myriad benefits to solar energy. From reducing or eliminating your electric bills to increasing your property value and from creating local jobs to protecting the environment, there are plenty of reasons to go solar. Another, lesser-known benefit of installing panels on your property is that solar helps the entire electrical grid.When property owners and businesses install solar panels, they help reduce the overall demand for electricity on the system. Whether by self-consuming all of the electricity their solar panels produce or through net metering, solar owners offset their electricity usage with the electricity produced by their solar panels.What's more, the timing of when solar reduces demand is very important. Many parts of the US are described as "summer-peaking," meaning that the region uses the most electricity during the summer months. On the hottest days of the summer, homes and businesses have to kick their air conditioners into overdrive, while other appliances–l...


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