How to send letters to someone in prison - National Christian Foundation
Causes Lauren Street May 31, 2023/Causes and charitiesWhen a person is in prison, it is critical to their well-being that they stay connected with the outside world. Having even just one connection with someone outside prison walls provides hope that fuels rehabilitation and a smoother reentry after release. But maintaining relationships from inside prison can be a challenge.The average state prisoner is held 100 miles from home, and the average federal prisoner is 500 miles from home, making Jesus’ call to visit those in prison close to impossible for many family and friends. When an incarcerated person is effectively cut off from their life outside, prison quickly becomes their only life. But regular contact with people on the outside can be a critical reminder that their life and their purpose are bigger than the sentence they are serving.Choosing a pen palIf you want to write to someone you know who is incarcerated, be sure to address the envelope using the person’s full name, thei...