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Types of commands - Splunk Documentation

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As you learn about Splunk SPL, you might hear the terms streaming, generating, transforming, orchestrating, and data processing used to describe the types of search commands. This topic explains what these terms mean and lists the commands that fall into each category.There are six broad categorizations for almost all of the search commands: distributable streamingcentralized streamingtransforminggeneratingorchestratingdataset processingThese categorizations are not mutually exclusive. Some commands fit into only one categorization. The stats command is an example of a command that fits only into the transforming categorization. Other commands can fit into multiple categorizations. For example a command can be streaming and also generating. For a complete list of commands that are in each type, see Command types in the Search Reference.Why the types of commands matterAlthough it can be easy to get confused by the different categories of commands, having a solid understanding of the dif...


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