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Threats and Human Impact

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Threats and Human Impact on the BiomeThe arctic tundra is a very fragile environment. The smallest stresses can cause destruction on the biome and its flora and fauna. Global warming and the extracting of oil and gas from the tundra are the biggest threats. Human settlement and population are beginning to have an increasingly worrying effect on the biome. Oil, gas and valuable resources such as diamond and gold, have recently been discovered in arctic tundra regions. This has led to mining operations commencing, where big oil rigs have opened up to drill oil from the sea and natural gas being extracted from underneath the tundra. Because of this, many people have moved to the tundra to work in the mines or oil rigs. They have created new towns and roads, which disrupt the feeding patterns of many animals that try to pass the towns in search for food. The animals are either shot at or scared away, which starves the animals, as they cannot reach their food supply. Pollution from extracti...


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