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The Bike Won’t Start without Choke - What is the Issue?

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HomeBlogs Posted on: Jun 28, 2022 | 3 mins | Written by: HDFC ERGO Team 0 0 0 0A motorcycle has many crucial components in it, all of which come together to make the vehicle function properly. However, at times, as the rider, you noticed some discrepancies in the riding pattern. One such discrepancy is the need to keep the choke of the bike on for it to move forward. This is unusual, as commonly you do not need to keep the choke on for the bike to run. Why does this happen and what is the remedy? Is sending the bike for some expensive repairs by using the policy of insurance for bike the only solution? Thankfully, not. There are some other ways in which you can fix this issue. Let’s find out more about it in the article below.What is a bike choke?Before we begin, let us understand what a bike choke is. It is a valve that allows airflow within the carburetor in a proper and restricted manner. The fuel gets into the carburetor and this helps the bike to move forward. But if there is some...


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