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Popular German Scientist Explains What Happens To Your Soul After Death

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There are so many questions that pop up whenever you think about what happens after death.

Death is one such thing that is fascinating, thought-provoking and frightening at the same time. People wonder if death can be explained objectively and scientifically, or when does it begin. They are interested in finding out what near-death experiences have shown so far as well. Bottom line is, either something happens, or nothing happens at all.

According to Dr. Stuart Hameroff, there’s something going on after death, and it is most certainly closely related to consciousness.

Defining the word "consciousness"

Before we start our discussion, it’d be better if we are clear on the meaning of...


































Tags: health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health,

The Double-slit experiment

There’s one last thing that has to be briefly discussed before Dr. Hameroff’s experiment is taken closer look at.

Anyways, the double-slit experiment demonstrates, with unparalleled strangeness, that little particles of matter have something of a wave about them. And it suggests that the act of observing a particle has a pretty dramatic effect on its behavior. The experiment suggests that light particles, known as photons, pass through two slits. After that, they form an ordered pattern on a wall. So, when an observational device, or a detector, is set up to detect which protons go through which slit, there is no pattern that emerges whatsoever. To put it another way, human observation, using technical apparatus, alters the pattern. We are expecting that photons of light should pass through one slit or another and therefore, create two parallel bands on the screen behind. On

"Quantum consciousness"

There are two things that human mind and the Universe have in common. First, we have a pretty little knowledge about them. And second, quantum vibrations are found in both of them.

Orch OR theory

The "Orch OR theory" adds consciousness to quantum computations in microtubules inside brain neurons. Quantum computers process information as super positions of various possibilities, which according to this theory, are alternative collective dipole oscillations orchestrated by microtubules. These oscillations entangle, compute and terminate by Penrose objective reduction (OR), which results in sequences of Orch OR moments with orchestrated conscious experience. Each one of these sequences selects microtubule states that govern neuronal functions.

Orch-OR and Death

Following the law of conservation of energy, one may think that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. However, energy has the ability to change forms.

To conclude with, quantum energy is the essential building block of the universe. And quantum energy if found within us as well. So the question is: "Are we creations of the Universe?".

It’s something worth thinking about and researched more profoundly.

A recent research study carried out by a team of experts of the University of Windsor in Canada (The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry) has produced some fascinating results. These results are particularly fascinating for those who suffer from cancer. The research study proved that dandelion roots have the capability of triggering cancer cells to decompose without causing any harm to healthy cells.

A group of scientists has found that dandelion roots provide more benefits than chemotherapy since it completely eliminates cancerous cells, and does not affect the healthy cells at all (something which chemotherapy cannot achieve). Additionally, the well-known herb comes with many other advantages to our overall health.

Dandelion root can be an effective diuretic with the capacity to aid in the secretion of bile:

It improves cholesterol levels, cleanses the liver, as well as soothes allergies. Additionally, dandelion is loaded with powerful minerals and vitamins, including magnesium, calcium, iron, and riboflavin. Vitamin C is also present in Vitamin B6, vitamin B6, folic acids, and the amino acid thiamine.

It was also discovered that dandelion has around 500 percent of the daily recommended vitamin C intake and over 100 percent of the recommended daily dose of vitamin A.

A 72 years old man called John Di Carlo was certain that dandelion had powerful healing properties. The man had been exposed to extremely intense and powerful chemotherapy to eradicate cancer. The treatment lasted for three years, however, it did not produce any results that were positive.

At last, he quit and decided to live the remaining years of his life with no treatments at home. When he had made the decision then, he began drinking dandelion root tea since he was told that it can help fight cancer. There was nothing to lose and began taking it in on a regular basis.

Natural News reports that John Di Carlo was able to live through. The story reveals that dandelion root definitely worth taking a look at.

  1. A heart that is healthy

It is the most effective exercise to avoid heart disease. It lowers blood pressure and improves cholesterol profiling (cholesterol as well as triglycerides). Regular exercise reduces the chance of having coronary events and death at an early age. It also increases the heart rate and strengthens the heart muscle.

  1. Blood sugar control

Walking after a meal will lower blood sugar levels since it helps burn calories by putting on the muscles. A lot of diabetics walk as a way to control their diabetes and also people who are overweight and have obesity issues.

  1. Joints and bones that are stronger

Walking helps bones and joints to move in a way that is counter-intuitive to gravity, which strengthens them and reduces the chance of injuries, fractures, and loss of bone mass as we age. Regular exercise reduces joint stiffness, reduces inflammation, and eases lower back discomfort.

  1. Healthier brains

An article published by The American Journal of Preventive Medicine revealed that women who walked in a minimum of 200-300 minutes a week experienced a better mood despite their depression diagnosis. Even walking at a low intensity significantly boosts mental health, reduces levels of cortisol levels, increases positive feelings, and calms the mind.

  1. Low back pain alleviation

Walking is a light yet, healthy activity and it’s a good choice when you suffer from lower back discomfort. It improves blood circulation, particularly around the spine structure, and increases flexibility, which eases discomfort.

  1. Better eyesight

Walking is a beneficial and beneficial exercise regular walks cut down the risk of developing glaucoma by 73. Walking can alter blood flow and pressure, which prevents the loss of vision, and also improves eyesight.

  1. Pancreas that are more efficient

The pancreas plays a crucial role in the digestive system since it is the source of hormones, enzymes, and insulin, which break down the food consumed. Walking at a low intensity boosts its effectiveness through increasing levels of insulin as well as speeding up metabolism.

  1. Improved lung capacity

Walking improves the functioning of the lungs. During this time, you breathe oxygen in and exhale out carbon dioxide. Walking makes us are breathing harder, and your body is able to use greater amounts of oxygen as well as releases carbon dioxide and increases your capacity to use the lung. Furthermore, walking increases circulation and increase the functioning of the lung.

  1. Toned muscles

Walking improves the strength of your legs, which helps to lose weight and strengthens your legs.

  1. Improved digestion

German researchers discovered that walking could speed up the process of food moving into the stomach to aid digestion. Therefore, you should take a 20-minute walk after eating, to reduce energy and prevent digestion issues like constipation.

Have you ever had the pleasure of using Moringa? The mysterious plant has been used from the beginning of time. People use every aspect of the plant that includes its leaves, flowers, and seeds and bark. Moringa is nutrient-rich and has numerous benefits.

  • Did you know that the Moringa is 7 times greater Vitamin C than oranges? It is 10 times higher in Vitamin A than freshly cut carrots, and nearly 17 times as much calcium in organic milk. Actually, the moringa plant increases 9x in protein over yoghurt and 25 % more potassium than bananas and 25 times more iron than spinach.
  • Moringa leaves are loaded with beta-carotene and protein, vitamin C amino acids, calcium, antioxidants, and potassium.
  • Moringa can extend the shelf-life of fat-rich foods because of its high concentration of phenolics, carotenoids and ascorbic acid and flavonoids.

Often referred to as a drumstick or benzoyl tree, the moringa plant is found in sub-Himalayan areas that include India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. It is common in a few tropical countries too. Nowadays, you can purchase moringa leaf powder extracts, capsules and capsules, moringa-supplemented teas and more.

Do you not know how to make use of it? Include moringa leaf powder in your smoothie of the day. You can also sip moringa tea.

Here are the health benefits of the moringa plant:

1. Brain health

The Moringa leaf extract is an amazing aid in the brain. It’s a rich source of nutrients C as well as E and aids the body to neutralize the oxidative stress that is that is a common occurrence in Alzheimer’s disease.

2. Mild laxative

Extracts of Moringa leaves are the ideal solution to your problems with bowel movements. It reduces constipation as well as reducing the time to defecate. A study of mice found that this extract improves the amount of feces that is discarded and adds bulk. However, it is important to be cautious.

Consuming huge amounts of moringa leaf extract can make you stay inside the toilet for an extremely long period of time.

3. Anticancer

The extract of the moringa leaf contains high quantities of flavonoids, phenolics ascorbic acid that provide an outstanding antioxidant boost. Moringa helps to reduce the damage caused by free radicals.

According to research that have been conducted, the extract of moringa leaf can reduce the oxidative DNA damage, giving the body energy as well as a shorter age. Additionally, you’ll be at less risk of developing cancer.

4. Skin smooth and glowing

Moringa has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties. It is a component of numerous skincare products due to its ability to prevent fungal and bacterial infections. Moringa revives and rejuvenates skin.

Vitamin B is an humectant that draws in water to the skin when it is applied topically.

5. Motherhood

One kilogram of leaves from moringa meet the daily requirement for zinc. You require 25.5-31.03mg in this mineral each day. Zinc is essential in the development of sperm cells, and also for the production of DNA and the RNA. In the Philippines locals are using moringa as the most effective treatment for nursing and pregnant mothers.

It’s referred to as "the mothers’ best friend." A little more than six teaspoons of powdered moringa will provide enough calcium and iron to pregnant women. Phytosterols found in moringa increase hormone production, which stimulates the mammary gland.

6. Vegetarians

Moringa is a great source of amino acids that contain 22. The body can’t make 10 of these. Moringa is a great choice for vegetarians provide them with enough protein.

7. Pure water

The aqueous seed extract of Moringa is an effective cleansing agent for water. It is commonly employed by African as well as South Asian countries. It’s a "filter" turns muddy water into drinkable liquid.

According to the experts Moringa can eliminate 99.9 percentage of the bacteria in a matter of 1 to 2 hours. This is a great discovery for countries in need.

8. Men’s sexual health

Moringa is an all-natural sexual stimulant. Traditional medicine practitioners have employed it to treat sexual dysfunction. increasing treatment. In the case of extracts from moringa seeds laboratory rats demonstrated increased sexual activity and improved erectile function.

It has demonstrated an amazing capacity to boost fertility and reproduction in male rats. It’s also an effective treatment for sexual problems. Studies have shown that moringa improved sexual function of male rats who were stressed.

9. Diabetics

Diabetics must avoid almost all sugary drinks. The moringa tea is a great option and also assists the body control its glucose levels. Moringa might not have a significant impact on those with diabetes, but it has a great effect on those with diabetes.

The results of research have revealed that diabetics had the 28.15 mg/dl decrease of blood sugar within 2 hours after drinking moringa tea. Moringa tea has demonstrated great benefits in the treatment of diabetics, and those with diabetes ought to consider including it in their routine.

10. Liver

Liver cleanses blood and aids in its metabolism to burn fat. It plays a crucial role in the body and demands your support every occasionally. Include moringa into your diet in order to avoid or lessen any damage that is already present.

Experts have tested moringa seed extract on rodents suffering from liver fibrosis in order to determine its impact. The extract slowed the progression of fibrosis within the liver tissues because of its anti-inflammatory as well as antioxidant properties.

Another study found that liver enzymes are restored back to their normal level in animals suffering from the disease. The laboratory animals were given moringa seed oil daily for 21 days.

Tags: health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health, health, medicine, science, spirituality, aging, longevity, senior health, mental health, woman's health, heart disease, breaking news, health,


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