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The Newsroom @Home: How our journalists see Major League Baseball’s reopening playing out

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On July 21, 2020 journalists from the Bay Area News Group and the Southern California News Group discussed the future of the MLB, which has a shortened season due to the coronavirus pandemic.The event was hosted by Bud Geracie, the Bay Area News Group’s sports editor, and featured San Francisco Giants writer Kerry Crowley, Oakland A’s writer Shayna Rubin, Anaheim Angels writer Jeff Fletch, Los Angeles Dodgers writer Bill Plunkett and J.P. Hoornstra, who covers both Southern California teams.

The group talked about their experiences covering these teams during an unprecedented time, the prospects for each team and the impact a 60-game season will have on the races, stats and players – assuming the league can play 60 games and has a post season.

What is The Newsroom @Home?

For the past year, we have been holding In Real Life events where readers get the chance to meet some of our journalists in person. Since this is not possible with limits on large gatherings and social distancing, we created The Newsroom @ Home to bring you discussions and insights virtually as we all figure out how to navigate the coronavirus pandemic.

Over the past few months, we have brought our readers discussions about restaurants in the Bay Area dealing with COVID-19, diving into the behind-the-scenes stories of how our photojournalists shot some of their favorite photos, a candid conversation with author Robin Sloan and more. To see upcoming events or catch up on any you missed, go to, or


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