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Mariners’ 2021 Schedule Announced

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Seattle Mariners Summer Workouts Photo by Abbie Parr/Getty Images

It will be a season, allegedly.

Yes, sure, we don’t even know if there will be a 2020 yet, but no matter! Here’s a 2021! Which we also don’t know if there will be! Isn’t this fun!

Some thoughts:

  • Opening against San Francisco is a nice change of pace, although I’m not sure how I feel about opening with a series that will likely face a significant invasion of foreign fans. Beats Houston, though.
  • The back half of April is absolutely brutal. Houston, the Dodgers, Boston, and Houston again mean that even with a soft open to the year, the Mariners will likely be hard pressed to escape April at .500.
  • May and June look much softer, with a lot of games against the AL Central and the Rangers.
  • The AL West games, maybe as a result of COVID scheduling efforts and maybe as a result of chance, are clustered pretty heavily on the schedule. Specifically, they end the year with two straight weeks of games against Oakland and the Angels, and have another two week run in May and June of games against Oakland, Texas, and the Angels.
  • The M’s will be subject to the usual scheduling horse hockey in April, going all the way to Baltimore, coming home for five days, then going back to Boston. Feels like that could have been handled better. They’ll go all the way to the East Coast just one other time, fortunately, with a swing through Texas, Tampa and New York in late July/early August.

What do you think about this schedule? Public health permitting, will you make any efforts to see the M’s on the road in 2021?


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