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Its that time again when we unleash the latest Big Fifty and in our latest instalment it is all about a rider who is all about pushing windsurfing to its absolute limits. Explosive. Fearless. Unstoppable. Ricardo Campello has spent much of his career redefining the sport. From his three world titles in freestyle to his relentless pursuit to win the wave tour, Campello’s journey is a story of raw talent, unwavering passion, and a never-say-die attitude. Whether he’s launching into crazy stalled double loops, taking on monstrous waves, or keeping the crowd on the edge of their seats with his fearless approach, Ricardo has always been at the forefront of progression. So here goes; Buckle up and get ready for Ricardo’s Big Fifty.

Photos: John Carter / PWA, Fish Bowl Diaries/ WWT, Maleen Hoekstra and Fred Pompermayer.

Full name? Ricardo Campello Alvarez.

Date of birth? July16th 1985.

Height and weight? 179 cm 78 Kg.

Hometown? Playa El Yaque, Venezuela.

Favourite music or band? Hmmm there are many, but I do love the 80’s and 90’s music, I really like the Men at Work song; down-under!

Years on PWA world tour? Around 24 years (Hmmm, that sounds old!)

Single or taken? Taken… married to Diana Wood.

Sail number? V-111

Car you would like to own and car / van you own? Toyota Landcruiser 200 series / I currently Have a 100 series!

Favourite movie? Shaw Shank Redemption! It is based on a real story, from a very successful lawyer that went to prison and became friends with some prisoners, and they became a kind of prison family. He taught them a lot of things. I just think it is an amazing story! If you have not seen it, you should watch it!

Windsurfing heroes? Both Bjorn Dunkerbeck and Antoine Albeau!

When you are not sailing you are… right now, taking care of my baby!

Favourite windsurfing destination? Cabo Verde.

Favourite move? A proper perfectly made turn when everything comes right.

Apple or PC? Apple of course, since 2001!

Tea or coffee? Coffee

Tell us about your mother and father – what are they like? They’re not together since before I was born. They are really funny, my mother is like a little kid, full of energy and thinks she is an Instagram Blogger hee-hee. My father is also super funny and really likes vintage things. He lives in Brazil and my mother lives in Venezuela, thankfully they are both alive and healthy, I hope they last forever.

Describe a favourite childhood memory? When I moved to Venezuela from Brazil (Which at first, I didn’t want to) I used to go to school and just look at the window to see the trees moving to know how windy it was. Once out of school I was straight to the water for the whole afternoon! It was fun, I also had good times in Brasil when all I wanted to do was surf!

Do you remember your first day on the PWA world tour…tell us about it? Yes, I came as a wild card to Austria. I heard about Robby Swift; he was the talented kid on JP/ NP and as I was walking along the street, I saw him with his huge green van with his dad and we looked at each other very firmly (on a nice way). Then, I went to the beach I could not believe I was meeting all those legends I was always looking at the magazines! It was a dream come true.

What sailor has had the greatest impact on you? Everyone to be honest. I always get motivated by other rippers, especially my friends! But I think Browne is probably the one that impacted me the most lately! We have always had this rivalry but at the same trained together during my whole time living in Maui. This really pushed me to be a better sailor! His dedication is something else!

What was the happiest day of your windsurfing career so far? Probably when I became world champion for the first time. I was 18 and the year before I was second, which was super close, so I really wanted it! This was definitely the best day in my career!

What was the worst day of your windsurfing career so far? Maui 2023 at the final day! I was leading the tour for the whole year and was about to become world champion in waves for the first time and had an amazing heat to keep on going to the finals. I had my best heat of the event and when I came out of the water, they said I lost! Everyone at the beach Including Robby Naish said I got robbed. I was devasted as it is the 4th time I was second and this time I really had it. I just had to advance one more heat to become world champion, so I was really, really sad because after rewatching the replay I really thought I had it!

Who is your favourite movie star? Morgan Freeman (he is in the Shawshank Redemption!).

What are your best features?  Hehe good question, I don’t really like to talk about myself, but I think I am a very loyal person, very fair and honest.

Why do you love windsurfing? Because it gives me freedom, it was my job for my whole life, and I have met so many amazing people and visited some amazing places because of this sport!

Are you scared of going bald? Not really ha-ha!

What is it like being a dad? It is the best feeling in the world, once I had my baby in my hands for the first time, I couldn’t believe it!

How many minutes a day do you spend on your phone? Nowadays quite a lot but mainly because nowadays we do everything on the phone!

If you don’t become a full-time pro windsurfer, what will you do? I’m not a full-time windsurfer as of now, so I am being a dad and working on some other projects! I am still in the search for the right business.

If you could have dinner with five eight famous people from history, who would they be? Simon Bolivar (Venezuelan liberator) There is honestly no one else that I care of he-he-he!

What three words would you use to describe yourself? loyal, authentic, straightforward!

What three words would your friends use to describe you? Funny, loyal, straightforward!

What would you do if you won ten million dollars? I would buy lots of properties with growing potential that would give me a good rent. Then I would probably donate a bit to some needy people and out of the benefit of my rents! I would also save some but use a bit to travel looking for sick spots for windsurfing!

What or who inspires you? All my friends, my mother and now my baby girl!

Favourite board and sail? That’s a tough one! But maybe soon you’ll know my favourite sail and board!

Favourite conditions? Side off mast high waves warm weather wind for 4.7m and an 85L board with just four friends out.

Dream windsurfing trip? I would like to go to Punta Luna in Peru, but anywhere with the conditions I just mentioned works!

What move do you think is more possible….The triple front loop or double push loop? Are you still motivated to try these crazy stunts? I think both, but double push is scary because there is no way to stop the rotation or let go in the middle of it. The other day Mark Angulo told me to go for a double push he-he, he said I could do it, that motivated me, let’s see if next time I go to Pozo I may give it a try!

What achievement are you most proud of?  I think in general my career has been successful I’m only miss that big wave title, which to me is the most important and I still hope I can achieve it. But in general, I think I was a very complete sailor in all conditions, but maybe I could have gone sail a little more on the conditions I didn’t enjoy as much to be ready for bad conditions in competition!

Do you think the PWA format encourages crazy or different jumps or is it all about landing a double and a push loop forward and that is all you need to learn? To pass heats you need a clean landing! A couple  years ago I was punished from the judges on a very important heat against Browne in Pozo, where I landed wet on a very small push-forward (which is harder than a big one). It was almost with no ramp and the score they gave me was very low and almost no one can make a push F with tiny waves!

How tough is it to get the right sponsor in 2025 and how tough is it to hold out to get the right deal at the value you think you are worth? It is very tough and disappointing. I don’t know how some guys can make a living out of it! Brands want to squeeze riders to the max and try to convince some guys that this is a hobby and that you can get free gear, but then we should pay out trips out of our own pockets. We are making almost zero earnings at the end of the day! It is sad really, I don’t want to get into more details but professional windsurfing is taking a huge descent!

What was your most memorable big wave session…Jaws or Cloudbreak and why?

I think both are the same he-he! I remember Jaws that huge historical day, which was of course special too because of the size but Cloudbreak the first day I got there was huge with only three guys out with very special conditions! Both will be remembered forever!

What do you dislike most about yourself? When I want something, it has to be “now” and sometimes my impulse makes me take bad decisions!

What do you dislike most in others? I hate people that lie and that try to cheat in business or anything like that!

If you found a €100 Euro note in the supermarket…, would you hand it in or put it in your pocket?   Well once at the Gloria Palace Hotel in Gran Canaria I was walking to breakfast very early in the morning and right in front of the restaurants door I found a pack of around 600 EUROS. Instead of keeping it I told the host if someone lost a pack of money to call my room! In the end I handled it to the host, I regret a 100% because she probably kept it!!

Do you believe in God? Yes! but not really in going to Church.

Would you pick up a hitchhiker? Depends where and how this person looks, not a junkie like you seen in Maui often!

If we gave you $50,000 to start a business, what would you start up? I would probably buy a property to get some rental income or maybe start my own sail brand!



The post RICARDO CAMPELLO: BIG FIFTY appeared first on Windsurf Magazine.


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