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1 unfortunate fantasy football loser had to do a grueling 24-hour McDonald's challenge as his punishment

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Punishments for coming in last place in fantasy football are becoming more inventive by the year.

There was the guy who had to play a round of golf… in a U.S. Open qualifier. Will Levis’ league required the loser eat a dozen raw hot dogs. And the list of cruel punishments goes on.

Now we can add the 24-hour McDonald’s challenge to it.

What’s the 24-hour McDonald’s challenge? Bleav Network draft analyst Joe DeLeone found out the hard way Saturday when he finally had to pay up for stinking it up in fantasy last year.

And he probably stank it up a little more after he finished this.

DeLeone had to spend 24 hours in a McDonald’s, with an option to shave time off of his stay by eating different items on the menu.

Here’s a look at the full menu


It’s a genius punishment, because no matter how much the loser eats, they’re going to spend more time in a fast food restaurant than anyone would ever want to. And with the different time designations for each menu item, there’s a ton of strategy that goes into cutting that time down.

Without having anyone to lean on for previous experience, DeLeone actually did quite well. In total, he only had to do eight of the 24 hours, eating away 16 hours. Though he’ll probably make that time up in the bathroom.

Here was the strategy

  • 2 big breakfasts with hot cakes = 240 minutes
  • 17 hash browns = 425 minutes
  • 4 McChickens = 180 minutes
  • 23 apple slices = 115 minutes

The math does math. That’s 16 hours worth of food (6,000 calories). Not a terrible strategy. The big breakfasts were a must to immediately chop a few hours off, but I’m sure those hot cakes made it difficult to come back to. The hash browns did a ton of damage, though DeLeone wasn’t a fan of how soggy they were cooked and called it a mistake to order so many. He went with the McChicken and apples to shave off the remaining time.

Personally, I might have tried a few more big breakfasts over the hash browns. But it’s hard to criticize this strategy too much. Well done.

And on the bright side, DeLeone earned enough McDonald’s points to get free food. Understandably, though, he said he’s never going back.


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