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Halifax Panthers • Re: Call for funds

Greg Florimos Boots wrote:

Pretty much every post that has gone out he has been posting the link for donations. I'd love to know his overall thoughts on the whole situation, as faxcar says he is more than aware of some of the stuff that went on at Bradford so I am a little bit surprised he is encouraging people to hand over money to what seemingly looks like a lost cause and I wonder if he has any faith in the people running the club to do the right thing with the money donated. Maybe it turns out they hold the money back that has been donated but who knows.

Just on the sponsors going bust thing, it is rare that a sponsor would be signed up without either paying the money up front or at least in installments for the sponsorship so its unlikley the club lost fully out on these deals but if they did then again it is really poor due dilligence and management. They talk like a new deal that was missed out on has had a great effect but that really should not be taken in to consideration until the deal is over the line. The 100k deal and talk of it been for shirt sponsorships is just pie in the sky stuff.

Looking back at tweets from everyone on this he’s popped a link to FaxTrust on nearly everyone

Statistics: Posted by MP — Sun Sep 08, 2024 10:08 am


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