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Fakenham 12 v Ely 28 – London 3EC

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On a cold, bright, blustery day middle of the table Fakenham took on high flying Ely in a game that thoroughly entertained the large crowd for the afternoon.
Fakenham dominated the first 15 minutes with new flanker Josh Gee popping up everywhere. Some poor kicking out of defence and sharp counter attacks by Brett Stolworthy and Lyam Thorpe saw Ely pinned into their own half and after 14 phases and eight offloads resulted in a penalty which the home side unfortunately failed to convert.
Fakenham then gave away two penalties which let Ely have their first real foothold into the Fakenham half.
A lineout on the 22m line resulted in a training ground move that saw the Ely centre go untouched, under the posts, for a converted try.
Some aggressive counter rucking from Ely thwarted another two attacks by Fakenham and a breakaway from Lloyd Marshall, who looked certain to score, was pulled back by the referee for an earlier knock on.
Mid way through the first half Fakenham eventually troubled the scoreboard with


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