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The Everton Forum • Re: David Moyes

Winning all those group games was mental.

I remember before the Alkmaar game, they all held up all their results at home in Europe because they were undefeated. Then we go and win. Hilarious.

Edit: They were 32 unbeaten at home in Europe until the big bad blues rolled into town.
I was Lucky enough to be at that match in the owners box. The AZ owner did not want anyone in his box who was for the opposition by that time, they could be in there before and after, but didn't want them in there during the match.

I got warned by my friend please don't cheer if Everton score because Dirk Scheringa will not like it. The first goal went in and I freaked out, totally forgot everything that was said to me. The owner gave me the most dirtiest look I have ever received, but it was totally worth it.

I had a chat with Sir Philip Carter before the game aswell.

Statistics: Posted by KingdingalingNL — Wed Mar 12, 2025 1:33 pm


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