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Match Sponsor, MKM Building Supplies Man of the Match was Arbroath FC’s Fraser Taylor. Fraser received the MOTM bottle of Redcastle Gin & Arbroath Smokies donated by Gordon Spink. Ross MacGregor Director of MKM Building Supplies in Dundee is pictured presenting the gifts to Fraser.
Birthday guests in the Caird Suite, Tommy, Lewis & Ross were presented with birthday pies from Arbroath FC’s Fraser Taylor & Ali Spalding.

Goal/Save, our original fun match day game was hosted by Andrew Wilbourn. Neil Cunningham is pictured receiving his prize of a 1320 bar voucher from Arbroath FC’s Fraser Taylor & Ali Spalding.
The Caird Suites MOTM was Arbroath FC’s Ali Spalding. Graeme Annandale proprietor of Angus Tyres is pictured presenting Ali with MOTM bottle of Redcastle Gin & Arbroath Smokies donated by Gordon Spink.
Time of the First Goal went to a draw due to no table guessing the correct minute of the first goal. The lucky winners pulled out by Arbroath’s Fraser Taylor was Michael Mathewson’s table, Michael is pictured receiving his prize from Arbroath FC’s Fraser Taylor & Ali Spalding.
Correct Score winners of the day was Richard Grants table. Richard was delighted to accept the prize of a bar voucher from Arbroath FC’s Fraser Taylor & Ali Spalding.
Play Your Cards Right, a new game to our match day hospitality entertainment hosted by Paul Reid. Andy Pritchard was the lucky winner; a bar voucher was presented to Andy from Arbroath FC’s Fraser Taylor & Ali Spalding.
Time of the First Goal went to a draw between the two closest tables to the correct minute of the first goal. The lucky winners pulled out by Arbroath’s Fraser Taylor was MKM Building Supplies table, representative from the table Chris Bell is pictured receiving the prize of a 1320 Bar Voucher on behalf of his table from Arbroath FC’s Fraser Taylor, Gavin Reily & Ali Spalding.
Celebrating his 60th birthday in the Champions Lounge was Mike Gormley, Mike is pictured received his birthday pie from Arbroath FC’s Fraser Taylor, Ali Spalding & Gavin Reilly.
Correct Score winners of the day was Rhys Jacks table. A representative from Rhys’s table was delighted to accept the prize of a bar voucher from Arbroath FC’s Fraser Taylor, Gavin Reily & Ali Spalding.
Goal/Save game, hosted by Brian Cargill. Graham Monaghan is pictured receiving his prize of a bar voucher from Arbroath FC’s Fraser Taylor, Gavin Reily & Ali Spalding.
Play Your Cards Right, hosted by Paul Reid. Neil Nicolson was the lucky winner; a bar voucher was presented to Neil from Arbroath FC’s Fraser Taylor, Ali Spalding & Gavin Reily.
The Champions Lounge MOTM was Arbroath FC’s Fraser Taylor AlanThompson is pictured presenting Fraser with MOTM bottle of Redcastle Gin & Arbroath Smokies donated by Gordon Spink.

Photo Gallery

A gallery of photographs from our Caird Suite & Champions Lounge taken on the day by Arbroath FC’s photographer P J Parker. For those images or any other from our match day please contact P J Parker via email at

The post HOSPITALITY VS INVERNESS C.T 08/02/25 appeared first on Arbroath FC.


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