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Gig Review Steve Hackett

Last night it was a drive to Bristol to the former Colston Hall, now known as The Beacon. I’d never been there before, but apparently it was completely refurbished in a way that none of the original features remain. I thought I was buying my ticket early enough, back in February, but it was nearly sold out then - so I was in the top tier at that back. That said it was a decent view.

This was the 4th time I’ve seen Steve Hackett, former Genesis guitarist of course, these last 3 times he’s been doing Genesis revisited gigs. Solo set in the first half and Genesis in the second. Last time was Foxtrot, previous was Seconds Out. Sadly I missed the Selling England by the Pound one, my favourite Genesis album.

This time the focus was on The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway. While it isn’t my favourite album, there are some great tracks on it. So I was looking forward to seeing which he chose to do for us.

The hall darkened and the band joined the stage, straight into People of the smoke. Circo Inferno followed. Both excellent tracks.

Steve introduced the third track explaining how he used to live near Battersea Power station and he watched the smoke rise and appear to form the clouds. Not surprisingly, the track is called These Passing Clouds.

All three tracks are off Steve’s latest album The Circus and the Nightwhale I have to be honest, I haven’t listened to it yet. The first two were quite rocky whereas the 3rd very melancholy with a superb saxophone part.

Then it was the popular The Devils Cathedral off Surrender of Silence (2021). The track is about an understudy who takes the part after killing the actual actor and also takes his wife! Every Day followed. One of my favourite tracks, off Spectral Mornings (1979). Along with Defector, still one of his best albums. This featured Amanda Lehmann on guitar. She and Steve did a double guitar solo. Absolutely brilliant.

Then we had the first of two tracks Steve performed off his debut album, Voyage of the Acolyte (1975). The Tower Struck down is a powerful instrumental which really works in a live setting. The track finished and we were then treated to a brilliant bass solo by Jonas Reingold. Slap bass, softly picked, harmonics, lead breaks - utterly mesmerising. As the solo finished, the drummer joined in and they built the lead into Camino Royale.

This track is off Highly Strung (1983). Not one of his best albums, but this is a good track which features both Steve and Rob Townsend with guitar solo and saxophone solo respectively.

The first set was completed by them performing the full version of Shadow of the Hierophant, off Acolyte. Steve reminded us, that it’s the 50th anniversary of the album next year!

As for the performance, just WOW! Absolutely this was the highlight of the first set. What a way to go into the break, definitely with a bang!

Steve said they would be back in 20 minutes with excepts from “The Lamb” and other surprises!

The second set started with The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway. However Steve had guitar issues. I’m not sure if it was lead, amp or pedal board related - but two techies were dashing to and fro trying to fix it.

As the track completed, there was sound from his Gibson, a big cheer just in time to go into Fly on a windshield. As on the album, we were then straight into Broadway Melody of 1974.

Unfortunately there was no In the Cage or The Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging - two of the best tracks on the album in my opinion, but it was always going to be difficult to choose.

Hairless Heart was next followed by The Carpet Crawlers. After the latter, Steve acknowledged the issues with his guitar explaining that’s what happens with live performances. He told a story of a fire when Genesis played at a venue in Germany. Ironically they were playing Dance on a Volcano!

The set continued with The Chamber of 32 Doors and Lilywhite Lilith. The latter included a lovely flute accompaniment.

The final two tracks from the album were The Lamia and It, the latter being the outro track of the album.

Steve had said there would be surprises, he told a story saying that Genesis were in the US and struggling, they couldn’t get a gig. They heard that John Lennon liked the band and that helped them. Anyway he dedicated the next track to him. That track was Dancing Out With the Moonlit Knight from Selling England by the Pound. I was delighted, as said before, my favourite album.

However that wasn’t the end, we also got The Cinema Show which went straight into Aisle of Plenty (both from Selling England), to complete the second set.

There was much applause and cheering for them to return. Of course they did, and straight into Firth of Fifth. Effectively we had half of Selling England. Amazing, it absolutely made my night.

We then had an incredible drum solo before going into Los Endos (Genesis Trick of the Tale) which included an excerpt of Slogans (Defector 1980) before completing Los Endos. We were done. What a night.

Every time I have seen him I didn’t think he could top it, and he has. He did it again. I absolutely loved it. What a “progtastic” evening.

Thanks Steve, hopefully there will be another time.


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