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Biggest Negative Today (51 replies)

For me, not the keepers error that cost the first goal but the reaction of the crowd to it.

Using the keeper to play out is a crucial part of how we are playing such attractive football. We were told from the outset that it comes at a consequence of risk and reward.

Following the mistake there were a lot of groans every time we played it back to the keeper and plenty of calls to ‘put your foot through it’ and ‘get it forward’. The times we did this in the first half, which were more than usual, we lost possession.

It might be time to change keepers but that’s a decision for the manager to make between games. The atmosphere created by the crowd today in my opinion added to the nerves of a keeper who was already shaken by his mistake. He must have felt the lack of trust in him from the stands.

The keeper must be brave enough to have the ball at his feet in this system we are playing and vocally discouraging it isn’t helpful in my opinion.


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