The Brownsville Herald from Brownsville, Texas
of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of H. PAGE EIGHT THURSDAY, 'AUGUST 11, 1932 THE BROWNSVILLE HERALD The Valley First First in the Valley of Brownsville SOCIETY Valley Cities County Union Of Young People's Groups Organized Approximately 70 young people, representing Christian Endeavor Societies from several towns of the lower Valley, Tuesday evening in the Presbyterian church. of San Benito, to organize a Willacy-Cameron Bi-County Union. Included in the charter, member list of the organization the Christian Endeavor societies from the Brownsrille Central Christian church; the Presbyterian church in San Benito, Play Given At Institute The final classes of the Christian Culture Institute which has been conducted the past four days for the young people of the First Methodist church by Dr. Sterling Fisher.pastor and Rev. O. C. Crowe, will be held Thursday eveping at 7:45 o'clock. Classes in evangelism department and church leadership been led by Dr.Fisher Crowe with 84 large att...