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Burroughs Wellcome & Co, Private Letter Book 10

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** The original item is too fragile to be produced. The description below applies to the entire original volume, which is now spread across two microfilms (AMS/MF/184 and AMS/MF/185). Please order both films to be sure of finding material listed below. **Letterbook consisting of copies of internal and external letters sent by the head office of Burroughs Wellcome & Co, Snow Hill, May 1902 - October 1902.Topics covered in this letterbook include the day-to-day running of the business, with detailed correspondence with the Burroughs Wellcome productions site in Dartford and also the branches in Sydney and Cape Town. Iinternal correspondence covers such administrative details as terms of employment and recruitment.There is also correspondence with Burroughs Wellcome's Travelling Salesmen, such letters include discussion on such topics as sales techniques, the opening of new markets, the threat from rival companies and BW&Co products over which complaints have arisen.This letterbook also c...


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