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The Everton Forum • Re: New Everton Stadium at Bramley Moore Dock

Hate to say this as I've only noticed it due to a resshite pointing it out...but the south stand is no longer one big stand, it's now cut in half.

Was supposed to be like Dortmund's yellow wall, but at some point between design and completion it's obviously been binned.

Does anyone recall them telling us about this?

It's always been that way in the final design - some of the early concepts looked at a single tier but it looks like the break is required to maximise the steepness and get fans closer to the pitch, plus needed to accommodate safe standing. I think it's technically a split single tier, and should barely be noticeable once it's painted blue and when the stands are full.


Statistics: Posted by Trowel — Sat Sep 07, 2024 4:48 am


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