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The Importance of Leaving a Legacy for Future Generations, the Community—a Lesson by Dennis Forster | Good for Santa Barbara | Noozhawk

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Local Santa Barbaran Dennis Forster, Financial Advisor CFP®, has a unique way of recognizing each one of his six grandchildren’s 11th birthdays—by giving them a birthday packet of information that includes travel brochures and an invitation letter to join him on a one-on-one adventure during his/her 12th birthday year.The personal letter from “grandpa” invites the birthday-celebrating grandchild to cull through the enticing travel brochures and narrow down their choice of trip to three. Once three choices have been identified, the grandchild tells grandpa where they want to go, why they want to go there and what they would like to do on the trip. Most importantly, they share what they think they will learn on the once-in-a-lifetime trip.When asked why he makes this special invitation to his grandchildren, Forster said, “The more value you add to your relationships, the more cherished you become. My job is to make the world a better place and to help my grandchildren make the world a be...


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