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Letter from the editor and a Comments Section

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As a letter from the editor is, traditionally and I believe also by design, designated as a venue for the expression of opinion rather than the relating of news, and, as stated in multiple places and at multiple times, Sounder At Heart is particularly defined as a "community", does it not make sense for a "Letter from the editor" post to include a comments section so that the community can engage in a conversation about the topic rather than just a single stated opinion being put out there?

The Letter from the editor posted earlier today about the fight over the Iron Front flag is, in my opinion, an important issue that merits open conversation between us as Sounders fans. I happen to agree with almost all of what the editor wrote, but other members of this community might not. I think that it's important to talk about issues like challenging bigotry and the sometimes insidious ways in which violent, hate-based groups can infiltrate groups and organizations formed around often (but not always) otherwise peaceful and generally inclusive things like sports fandom. I think that it's important to recognize that some of the traditions and fan groups associated with soccer teams in other parts of the world are inextricably tied to bigotry. Fascist salutes at SS Lazio games, the National Front and its ties with English football hooliganism, anti-Muslim issues in Israeli football, etc. are all well-documented. If we, as American soccer fans, desire to participate in what is probably the World's most truly international sport, then I think it important to make the conscious choice to talk about some of the negative things involved so that we may hopefully minimize their impact here. While the league front office and the team ownership may not want to have these conversations, I think it important to air as many points of view as possible so that information and opinions can be shared and/or challenged and hopefully some positive consensus can be built. That may be overly optimistic, but it seems to be to be certain that if the conversations don't happen then progress cannot be made.



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