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Mike Parker: 'Mission Accomplished' after a dozen years — Neuse News

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On Saturday, August 3, Sandra and I completed a mission – almost a dream – that we conceived 12 years ago. We wanted to take each of our grandchildren on a special trip when they turned 13. For the mission's first leg, we took Courtney to SeaWorld in Florida. The following year, we took Haley to SeaWorld.Then Sandra and I had an epiphany. I was 63, and she was 28 – again – for the 41st time. We might not live long enough to take each child individually. We revamped our plan and decided to take a 13-year-old and the next one in line. So, when Taylor turned 13 in April 2016, we decided to take Taylor and her cousin Jaxen, who had just turned 12, on a trip to Williamsburg, Va. After that trip, all the “Old Guard” members enjoyed their hopefully memorable trip.When Isaiah turned 13 in 2020, we took him and his brother Alex to Florida. They had already been with us to Williamsburg, so we wanted to do something different. Our main target was Legoland in Florida. Although the boys enjoyed Leg...


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