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March’s GoBike ride – a look back at the Parks we visited

Our ride on Sunday 02 March took us on this 21 mile route:

Starting from the SEC we made our way to the first park, Glasgow Green and then the seven of us moved on to at least another 10.

Next was Tollcross Park, with its renovated, but apparently little-used, glasshouse.

Then it was on to Sandyhill Park, Early Braes Park, Garrowhill Park, Crosshill Park, Blairtummock Park, Auchinlea Park, Hogganfield Park, Springburn Park with its very sad glasshouse, a shadow of its former self:

This is a worrying sight, particularly when we see what is apparently a lack of progress with the Winter Gardens in Glasgow Green.

Our final park was Sighthill Park and we finished the ride, which included some open spaces, that might classify as parks. at Spiers Wharf. En route we used some good, some poor and some intermediate cycle infrastructure.
But who would have thought there were so many parks in just one part of the city? Join us next month, Sunday 06 April, when we go adventuring to Renfrewshire.

And, perhaps join us at the AGM on 22 March? Why not?

Sighthill Park

plus a couple of other unnamed park-like open spaces.


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