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Winter Trail Update

Winter Trail Update

Lower SkullFromme

Thanks to Vince Beasse for the volunteer work – The canoe on Lower Skull was getting a bit wobbly, it was shored up with rock and the supports were fixed. Trail tread maintenance also completed.  The section before the rock armouring was very eroded causing riders to braid the trail. Rock armouring was added and the trail was topped up with mineral soil.

Lower BoundaryFromme

The section after the rock roll became eroded, volunteers rebuilt the trail tread with rock armouring and topped up the trail bed with mineral soil. This work will provide a better user experience and also protect the mature tree roots which were being exposed.

Meat Sweats Cypress

TAP Partner: Fox Trail Trust

Work started on the lower Meats Sweats exit.  This work will create a squirrel catcher at the exit of the trail in the hope of keeping hikers and mountain bikers separated.  Additional work was done on three berms higher up the trail with a grade reversal reworked. The exit berm reroute was reworked. A new exit for the trail is being constructed. A windfall cedar tree was bucked, stripped and cut into 8 posts for the wooden canoe exit.

More work to be completed by the cypress crew over the next month.

Jersey ShoreCypress

TAP Partner: Fox Trail Trust

Jersey Shore on Cypress gets two fresh jumps! Work was completed to improve trail flow and water management. Ditches were dug on the rider’s left of both jumps. The first jump was smoothed out, and a cedar box structure built with a large pipe through it to direct water away from the trail. New drainage ditch also dug on the rider’s left. The second jump was created using large rocks, again improving water management and trail flow.


TAP Partner: Arcteryx

The old A-frame/drop feature, nearly 10 years old and showing wear, was replaced with a new drop/roll down. Two cedar slabs were milled for a crib box, filled with rock and topped with dirt for better traction. A drain pipe was added to keep runoff clear, and a ladder bridge was built for the down ramp. The whole feature was realigned, widened, and the takeoff lowered for better flow and smoother landings.

The old line was naturalized, and the trail will be narrowed. Temporary signage is up at the top to inform riders of the changes.

Following that, the new entrance reroute is in progress, with organic soil removed from 80% of the path (except entrance and exit). Mineral soil was used in some sections, and more work is planned to berm corners and finish capping the reroute.


TAP Partners: SRAM

Builders raised the trail bed with rock and mineral soil while sloping a ditch to guide water away from the surface. Organic soil was removed from the trail bed and ditch, then filled with rock and mineral soil. Low puddle spots were also filled with mineral soil to improve drainage and flow.

Griffen AscentFromme

Clean, maintain, and improve all drains, plus targeted trail tread repairs. Ready for more rain!

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The easiest way to support the NSMBA is with a membership! With a current membership, you are giving back to the trails and supporting the work that keeps them open and accessible to the community.Membership is valid until the day of purchase of the following year. If you are interested in purchasing the membership as a gift, please email


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NEMBA: New England Mountain Bike Association

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